Gill declared winner in LCSD race: AG: No run-offs for school board seats

Published 10:11 am Friday, November 6, 2015

There will be no run-off in the Lincoln County School District school board race for educational district 4, and Diane Gill will serve as the West Lincoln representative.

The Lincoln County Circuit Clerk’s office received a Mississippi Attorney General’s opinion Thursday that states that school board positions do not require a run-off. The winner will be whoever has the highest votes, regardless of percentage.

Most elected officials must get 50 percent plus one vote to be declared a winner. It was originally thought Gill would face Ben Burns at the end of November in a run-off. With the Attorney General’s opinion, that is deemed unnecessary, and no run-off will be required in Lincoln County.

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Five members representing each of the five educational districts in the county comprise the Lincoln County School District Board of Trustees. Ricky Welch also won his bid for re-election Tuesday night. He will represent educational district 3, which includes Bogue Chitto. The election for this position should have been held last year, but it was inadvertently left off the ballot. As a result, Gill and Welch will serve a five-year term rather than the standard six years.