What is up with all the noise?
Published 9:53 pm Thursday, February 8, 2018
What’s up with all this noise? Every electronic device seems to be “amped” up to increase volume and keep the sound waves not just active but booming.
William Congreve (1670-1729) gets credit for the quote: “Music hath charms to soothe a savage breast.” I wonder what he would think of today’s pop music and the volume in which it’s played and heard.
Doctors and specialists have tried to shout over the noise with warnings of a hearing-impaired generation due to noise volumes, but it’s been too noisy to discern. Few have been disturbed or alarmed.
Man comes up with his own solutions to the noise. He can make his own and enjoy it in the privacy of ear buds or headsets. This way, he becomes master of his own noise and its volume. Only his eardrums and brain are affected.
Someone in ancient Egypt coined the phrase, “Silence is golden.” Hats off to that individual who’s gained my favor. I’m a believer in the beauty of silence and benefits it affords, but I sense I’m in the dwindling membership of an endangered species.
I agree that there’s power in noise — a rumbling thunderstorm, a sonic blast and a rocket liftoff are examples. But step outside into an early, still morning and experience the power of silence.
The sun, our monstrous-size light that’s brilliant at 93-plus million miles from earth rises daily in total silence. The daffodil bulbs that are scattered below the cold ground in our backyard are slowly pushing their way upward. What energy. And it’s all in silence.
The sap that sustains the towering oaks on our lot will rise and nourish the top-most branches without making a sound. Nature definitely displays great power in silence.
The prophet Elijah needed a word from God and God demonstrated to Elijah His power in a rock-crumbling wind, an earthquake and fire. But the Lord wasn’t in any of those. It was the sound of a low whisper that Elijah heard the voice of God.
Silence is optimum to me for hearing God’s voice. He admonishes us to “incline your ear . . . hear that your soul may live.” And it’s always easiest for me to hear when the noise is eliminated.
Letters to Camille Anding can be sent to P.O. Box 551, Brookhaven, MS, 39602, or e-mailed to camilleanding@gmail.com.