Still no fire department where I live
Published 8:35 pm Monday, July 16, 2018
The way I see it we are being discriminated against. I read in the newspaper one area west of town has gotten their second VFD and another area is applying for theirs.
Just go with me for a few minutes out in northeast Lincoln County where I live in the Little Bahala and Lake Lincoln area.
Approximately 10 years ago a lot was donated for VFD’s power, water and phone lines in place, even road signs on part of Bossy Road saying VFD. All we have on this lot is Johnson grass about waist deep and Bermuda grass about knee deep.
About two years ago I ran into Mr. Galey at the courthouse. I asked him about our VFD. He said the building plan was not right and he had sent them back. I guess it just takes time.
The way I see it, if you are interested in doing it, you will. If you are not interested you will make excuses why you can’t do it.
And by the way, two houses have burned within one-half mile of said lot. You be the judge and see if you think we are getting fair and equal treatment from our beloved politicians.
Alfred E. Smith