BFD reports house lost to fire Thursday

Published 10:19 pm Thursday, September 27, 2018

Fire reports

The Brookhaven Fire Department responded Wednesday to a downed power line at 523 Byrd St. when a tree limb struck and broke the line. Fire fighters stood by until Entergy responded. BFD also responded to an overheated air conditioning unit at 1:20 a.m. Thursday at 362 Edenbrook, and a house fire at 4:27 a.m. at 545-1/2 Derrick St. The vacant house was under renovation, fully involved upon arrival and 100 percent destroyed. Cause of the fire is under investigation.

KDMC Ambulance report

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King’s Daughters Medical Center Ambulance Service reported 17 calls Wednesday. Eight were transfers, with one in the city and seven to Jackson. There were nine emergency calls; eight medical, with seven in the city and one in the county; and one trauma in the city.