Waste Management is coming
Published 1:15 pm Tuesday, August 20, 2024
- Lincoln County Administrator Daniel Calcote opens a box of bid proposals for Lincoln County garbage collection earlier this month. The county will likely enter a contract with Waste Management. (Hunter Cloud | The Daily Leader)
BROOKHAVEN — At the end of September, ADSI’s garbage contract will expire and a new collection company will start. Waste Management was awarded the trash collection bid by Lincoln County and Brookhaven.
The company will start collecting trash as soon as ADSI’s contract expires. One last hurdle must be cleared first before Waste Management can move in and get to work.
Lincoln County Board Attorney Greg Malta said he is still reading over the contract. Malta added he has not had any substantive problems with what he has read so far. Supervisors agreed with Malta and Waste Management to hold a special work session meeting Wednesday at 1 p.m. to approve the contract.
David Holloway, area manager of public affairs for Waste Management, told the board the sooner they get the contract executed the better. He gave an additional update on the transition.
“The transition is going really well. We have a team today who will be here all week. We need to get some maps and have it all routed out this week,” Holloway said. “We will put it together and start to show you what it will look like.”
Supervisors are excited about Waste Management’s plan to leave carts at the district barns. District 5 Supervisor Doug Falvey quipped they would not have to wait on carts to replace damaged ones.
Holloway said garbage trucks are coming into place and a lot of people have applied for positions.
Supervisors stated they had complaints about missed garbage. Lincoln County Administrator Daniel Calcote had his trash missed for the first time recently. Readers in Loyd Star shared similar complaints this weekend. ADSI’s contract ends on Sept. 30, 2024.
Holloway told the board he was eating at Bromas one day with his Waste Management shirt on and a woman had talked to him about garbage collection and saying she wished they would come to Lincoln County.
“Waste management is coming,” he told her.
The Daily Leader will provide updates about the change in garbage collection as they develop.