Lincoln County sees record election turnout
Published 10:20 am Thursday, December 12, 2024
BROOKHAVEN — Dustin Bairfield, Lincoln County Circuit Clerk, reported the 2024 Presidential Election had a record turnout. He gave a report and update to the Lincoln County Board of Supervisors Wednesday morning.
Bairfield said the turnout totaled 78 to 79 percent which is a record high. Moving on, Bairfield suggested to the board that they combine a couple of precincts for cost, maintenance and staffing purposes.
Bairfield said four of Lincoln County’s precincts had around 200 registered voters and could be candidates for consolidation with other precincts. For example, Norfield’s precinct has 233 voters and could easily be merged with Bogue Chitto. He added the polling locations were only a couple of miles apart.
Little Bahalia’s precinct has around the same number of voters but there are not any precincts in close proximity so it would not be a good candidate for consolidation.
Fair River has 217 voters and could be combined with Forestry. Bairfield added that would be up to the board for consideration.
Bairfield said Big Springs, which has 203 voters, could merge with Heucks Retreat. He recommended the merge of Big Springs with Heucks Retreat precincts and Norfield with Bogue Chitto precincts to the board of supervisors.
“Those are the only ones I would look at. It is really up to you,” Bairfield said. “This would be the year since we do not have an election this year. It would help with costs and finding poll workers.”
Lincoln County Board Attorney Greg Malta said the board would simply have to vote and approve the mergers. Bairfield said from there they would work with engineers to redraw the precinct lines and mail a letter to affected voters announcing the change.
District 3 Supervisor John David Hart said Norfield also has a $3,000 lease every 10 years which would bring some cost savings. Additionally, it would help save time from his crews working on making sure the precinct was ready for election day.
District 5 Supervisor Doug Falvey recommended the board take the precinct mergers under advisement until January.