Appointment only?
Published 11:00 am Sunday, January 26, 2025
- PHOTO BY BRAD CAMPBELL "Shown by Appointment Only!" sign on door of office
Hi, all! Just a thought.
Admittedly, my home office space is a mess. However, it’s my mess, and my level of organization, so therefore, it is not problem to me.
A few years ago, I purchased this old sign at an antique store, brought it home, and hung it on my office door. I did it as a joke, but the sign really serves a purpose. It’s a kind of deterrent for anyone that might get too close to my piles and stacks of stuff. “Shown By Appointment Only!”
I pray to the Lord very often. I find myself talking to Him as I lay down at night. I start my day talking to Him as I first open my eyes every morning. I talk to Him at various random times throughout the day. And, I talk to the Lord every time I sit down for a meal.
Because God is ever-present, and because, as the Scripture reminds me, He will never leave me, I know that I need not be concerned about making an appointment to meet with Him. He is always readily available, willing, and welcoming.
If God had a sign similar to mine hanging on the “door,” and we had to make an appointment just to see Him, what a waiting list that would undoubtedly be!
Of course, my old sign serves as another reminder to me as well. It may imply that no one is allowed without an appointment, but that doesn’t include the Lord. No matter how big the mess is, no matter how unorganized I can become, no matter how crazy life gets, I can never hide it from Him. He sees all, knows all, and cares about it all.
“No Appointment Needed!” is what His sign would say to us this week.
Aren’t you thankful? I am!
Just a thought. ’Til later.
Brad Campbell can be reached at