Latest Columns

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Worth remembering

I remember exactly where I was.  If the house were still standing, I could take you to the ...


Scattered like bird shot

It is not often I find myself at a writer’s block, especially for columns. My mind is more ...

News - Main

A taste of fall

His body quivered, either from the cool morning or excitement as the world came to life. It won’t ...

News - Main

Brookhaven needs a ____

When I first moved to Lincoln County one of the first things I told my coworkers was the ...


Here for the community

We are here for the community plain and simple. It is the mission of any local newspaper and ...


Broken-hearted people

Troy Floyd was a true servant to his community and to God. My first and only interaction with ...


Playing with the cards we are dealt

Life is not fair was a phrase my mother would tell me. She was right, life is not ...

News - Main

Fighting a war against monoculture

I loathe the green grass which will not die no matter how short I cut it in the ...


Playing dodge-cars on the highway

A small pickup truck and I played “dodge cars” on the highway this morning.  It was not planned, and ...

News - Main

Be an encourager

Most people think of the Dead Poets Society when they hear the words carpe diem, seize the day. ...

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