Local legend turns 85

DAILY LEADER / KATIE WILLIAMSON / Mr. Pete smiles for his annual birthday photo Tuesday afternoon at the Daily Leader. Thursday is his 85th birthday.
A Brookhaven icon celebrates a milestone as he turns 85 years old Thursday.
Robert Byrd, more commonly referred to as Mr. Pete, has been living in Brookhaven for the past 31 years and has made a huge impression on the city. Most Brookhavenites recognize his iconic cheerful face zipping across downtown on his wheelchair to Janie’s Bakery or at the St. James Missionary Baptist Church.
“I love Brookhaven. It’s a pretty good town,” said Byrd. “I pretty much know everyone in town.”
Byrd is so well liked in the community he was elected Grand Marshal of the Christmas parade last year.
Although Byrd never got married and had children, he is surrounded by his sister’s children and grandchildren. The Brookhaven community has also become his family. He moved to Brookhaven in the 60s with his mother. They moved into a charming house on Minnesota Street that was left to him after she died. He said he was told never to sell it, so it’s where he resides today.
Byrd worked for a tailor until he had a heart attack that left him unable to work. He also has been affected by arthritis. Byrd said it won’t keep him down, and it hasn’t. With the help of Carolyn Sanders, Byrd is able to get by.
“She has been really good to me,” said Byrd. “I appreciate what she does. She is a good person.”
His great niece Leatrice Mobley said that she considers Sanders family because of all the help she has given Byrd.
Byrd said he is most looking forward to going out to eat with his friends in McComb for his birthday.
If you see Byrd out and about Thursday, make sure you give the local legend a friendly wave and a happy birthday wish.