KDMC employees helping area children’s hospital
During the month of July, employees at King’s Daughters Medical Center and other KDMC clinics are collecting individually wrapped snacks to help sponsor all four floors of Blair E. Batson’s Children’s Hospital’s “Adopt-a-Floor” program for one week.
In order to provide two snacks a day per person in each room at the children’s hospital, KDMC staff members will need to collect 1,400 snacks.
The small snacks may seem like much, but to families staying with sick children every extra moment they can spend next to their child makes a world of difference, especially to a child with a fatal illness.
“It makes you want to give back,” affirmed Carla Farrell, KDMC employee, who spoke of her stay when her daughter broke her leg at 12.
Although Farrell’s daughter did not stay at Blair E. Batson, Farrell said that the experience staying at a hospital motivates her to reach the goal and reported that they have reached the 1,000 mark so far.
Farrell explained the hospital employees wanted to be apart of the program because of their support of charities, but also because of several former patients of Blair E. Batson who are Lincoln County and Brookhaven residents.
Cindie Chambers, also an employee at KDMC and an advocate for the program, said, “If you can’t give snacks, you can give prayers.”
“To know that the snacks you give makes the families a little bit happier makes it feel like mission-work,” stated Chambers.
Both Chambers and Farrell are working, along with other KDMC employees, to organize the fundraiser.
KDMC is accepting snack donations, as well as financial contributions, in the hospital lobby and at the Medical Clinic, Specialty Clinic, Sports Medicine & Orthopedic Clinic, Pediatric & Adolescent Clinic as well as the former Children’s Clinic.
Most of the clinics are open 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, except for the Medical Clinic, which hours change to 8 a.m. until 12 p.m. on Friday, and the former Children’s Clinic, which hours are from 7:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
For more information on how to donate or contribute, contact Carla Farrell at 601-823-5347 or Cindie Chambers at 601-835-9403.