Alcorn State hosts farmer program Thursday

The Alcorn State Extension Program is calling all farmers to join them for a USDA Awareness Workshop Thursday at 5:30 p.m. in the Lincoln Civic Center.

Project Director Carolyn Banks said the workshop is to assist people interested in farming by educating them about all the resources and tools that are available for them, including grants and loans that would help increase their farm operations.

The workshop will focus on programs and services that are available through the following agencies: Small Farm Outreach Training and Technical Assistance Project, USDA Natural Resource Conservation Services, USDA Farm Service Agency, USDA Rural Development and Mississippi Small Farm and Agribusiness Center.

“We really want to let the community know what is out there,” Banks said. “A lot of people in Lincoln County are farmers, want to get back to farming or want to begin farming, and we provide assistance.”

The event is free and open to the public. No registration is required. It will run from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

“We are letting people know where they can find resources to make their farms more profitable. These organizations are here to help, and they have money to help,” said Banks. “People are not aware what’s out there and what they can receive in federal funding. If they want it, it’s out there.”

The Small Farm Outreach is one of many areas that the Alcorn State Extension Program helps with. For example, Banks also works with the elderly to disseminate information about housing repair programs. The Extension program’s main purpose is to improve American agriculture, strengthen families and communities by providing and researching information.

For more information about the USDA Awareness Workshop contact Banks at 601-877-6260 or 601-579-3689 or email her at For more information about the Alcorn State Extension programs call 601-877-6128 or visit
