Wesson $250,000 paving project delayed until at least February

Cold weather has frozen Wesson’s quarter million dollar paving project.

Wesson Mayor Alton Shaw told the board that the money for the $250,000 project is in an account and ready to be used.

But TL Wallace, the company awarded the bid, was too backed up to begin the project earlier and now it’s too cold to do it.

“We’re doing micro-paving, and it’s very temperature sensitive,” Shaw said Tuesday. “If you do it in cold weather, it’s going to break up.”

Shaw said the town would be able to pave about three times as much road using micro-paving than with traditional asphalt.

The board will likely re-bid the project in February, the mayor said.

Water meter ordinance changed

The board voted to accept a change to the water ordinance that will allow only one bill to be sent to homes with multiple tenants but have just one water meter.

The decision comes after a public hearing in which no objections were brought to the board.

Previously, the town sent a bill to each tenant, but that led to complications when one tenant paid their portion of the water bill and others did not.

Property owners still have the option to install multiple water meters so tenants can get individual bills.

In other business, the board approved:

• A $1,500 purchase for three new computers.

• Wayne Roberts and Brian Magee to work as part-time officers at the Wesson Police Department.

• A $1,500 drinking fountain for the Wesson park.

• The cancelation of fines for Bennie L. Davis and McClendon Howard, who are both deceased.
