A pat on the back for county schools’ perfect audit report

Congratulations are in order for Lincoln County School District officials on their perfect audit report from the state auditor’s office last week.

This kind of highly meticulous attention to financial details is commendable and shows excellent stewardship by school officials on behalf of the citizens of the county school district.

Superintendent of Education Terry Brister and the board of trustees had nothing but praise at last week’s board meeting for the district’s accountant, Cheryl Shelby, for the outstanding report card.

A “perfect audit” means the state reported “no findings” in connection with the Lincoln County financial report. That is a significant achievement, given that a “finding” in an audit can be as minor an item as a misdocumented item such as a receipt.

State Auditor Stacey Pickering congratulated the school district “for their exemplary work over the previous year which led to this clean audit” and issued the school board a certificate for achievement in financial reporting for the exemplary accomplishment.

Keep up the good work, Lincoln County School District!
