Enjoying The View

DAILY LEADER / KATIE WILLIAMSON / Austin Edwards, 8, plays on the jungle gym at City Park Wednesday. The Brookhaven Recreation Department hosts summer for kids in kindergarten through fifth grade. Every day wraps up at the City Park, where the campers get to play on the playground equipment and get wet at the spray park. The camp began on June 2 and will continue to June 13.

DAILY LEADER / KATIE WILLIAMSON / Erin Gardner, 6, Trinity Martin, 7, and Xavionne James, 6, go down the slide at City Park on Wednesday. The children are taking part in Brookhaven Recreation Department’s summer for kids in kindergarten through fifth grade. Every day ends at the City Park, where the campers get to play. “I went down the slide, it was great,” said R.J. Lamkin, 7. “I love this camp. We always do everything. We have good days.” The camp began on June 2 and will continue to June 13.