You Asked: What’s all the orange about?

DAILY LEADER / LYNDY BERRYHILL / A painted orange "X" marks a storm drain on South Jackson Street near the corner with Chippewa.

DAILY LEADER / LYNDY BERRYHILL / A painted orange “X” marks a storm drain on South Jackson Street near the corner with Chippewa.

A Daily Leader recently asked what was the reason for the orange flags and spray paint in right-of-way areas and storm drains throughout the city.

Steve Moreton, city public works director, said the flagging is marking where the city is smoke-testing the sewer pipes to check for leaks in the system. The tape and flags are used to mark the drains and openings to the underground system.

“The flags only show the testing sites for the city,” said Moreton.

He added that the paint poses no danger to animals or children.

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