Voter registration cards to go in mail following redistricting

THE DAILY LEADER / RACHEL EIDE / Lincoln County Circuit Clerk Dustin Bairfield holds a sample of the voter registration cards that will go out in Monday’s mail to county voters.
Lincoln County’s recent redistricting will culminate in a massive mail out this week from Circuit Clerk Dustin Bairfield to county voters.
A total of 22,354 voter registration cards will go to the post office Monday. “Everybody should have theirs by Friday,” Bairfield said.
The new cards are being distributed as a result of the redistricting of county supervisors’ districts. New district maps were approved in January after a public hearing was held by the board of supervisors to gain citizen input. The redrawing of district lines was a result of population shifts after the last census.
Since the maps were finalized, the circuit clerk’s office has been busy reviewing the revised district lines and making changes to the voter rolls as needed.
As a result, 2,543 voters have either changed district lines or voting locations, Bairfield said. However, new voter registration cards are being set to every voter, not just the ones affected by the map changes.
Bairfield has included a letter with each new voter registration card explaining how voters can go to the circuit clerk’s website and look at an online color map of the revised districts or obtain other voting information. The site also allows voters to view a color district map of the city.
To access the information, voters should go to and scroll down to the “Voter Precincts” link on the left side of the screen. After clicking on the link, voters will have four links from which to choose: “County Precinct Map, “City of Brookhaven Precinct Map, “Voter Precinct Lookup” and “Voter Registration.”
The precinct lookup link takes voters to a screen where they can enter their city, house number and street name. This will provide access to information about the voter’s precinct locations. Details about the voter’s school district, supervisor’s district, justice court district, constable’s district and legislative districts also are included.
The website access to voting information is new and is part of Bairfield’s continuing work getting county records online.
“This is a continuation of what I started after getting elected,” he said. “People can go to their computer, smart phone or tablet and look the information up.”
A voter who has moved and hasn’t notified the circuit clerk’s office may not receive his or her new registration card. If your card has not arrived by Friday, Bairfield said you should call the circuit clerk’s office at (601) 835-3435.
The voter registration link accesses a downloadable form that can be printed, filled out and mailed to the circuit clerk’s office.