Hearing set Dec. 16: Supervisors review redistricting maps

THE DAILY LEADER / JUSTIN VICORY / Redistricting consultant William Rigby (from left) consults with board of supervisors members Eddie Brown and Dudley Nations on potential changes to current district maps.
The Board of Supervisors met Monday, Nov. 18, for a brief meeting that addressed proposed redistricting changes to current supervisors’ district maps.
Redistricting consultant and demographer, William Rigby, provided the board with maps of pending changes to current county district maps for review. The proposed changes will be reviewed by the board, and final approval of recommended amendments to the maps will be taken up after the board holds a public hearing on the redistricting on Thursday, Dec. 16, as mandated by law.
Chancery Clerk Tillmon Bishop, doesn’t foresee public objection to the new maps. “I don’t believe there is anything in the redistricting maps that might concern the public. But if there is, it can be addressed at the upcoming hearing. That’s why we have them,” Bishop said.
Southwest Mississippi Planning and Development grant writer and planner Lynette Smith appeared before the board to request board approval to pursue grants that could assist the county financially with upcoming projects.

DAILY LEADER / JUSTIN VICORY / Lynette Smith, grant writer and planner for the Southwest Mississippi Planning and Development District, seeks the board of supervisors’ approval Monday to pursue grants related to county projects.
The Southwest Mississippi Planning and Development District is based out of Natchez and provides regional and community economic development services. The SWMPDD covers 10 counties in southwest Mississippi, including Lincoln County, and assists county officials with applying for and obtaining various grant monies that are available.
County tax assessor/collector Rita Goss mentioned that she was in the process of compiling a mandatory countywide update on tax bills for the year, expected of the county tax assessor every four years.
In other business, the board noted that the Christmas parade will take place Thursday, Dec. 5, and announced the date of the board’s annual Christmas luncheon with the public will be Dec. 20 at noon in the circuit courtroom.
The board mentioned, and approved, a utility agreement regarding Norton-Assink road, interstate lighting expense and funds for a circuit clerk judicial college seminar.
The board will meet again Monday, Dec. 2.

DAILY LEADER / JUSTIN VICORY / Rita Goss, tax assessor/collector for Lincoln County (from right), praises the hard work of Becky Dixon who has worked in the county tax office for more 27 years. Goss spoke to the board of supervisors at the board’s Monday meeting.