Johnson Grove/West Lincoln
Published 5:00 am Sunday, July 9, 2000
On Saturday, July 1, a reception was held in the fellowship hallat Pleasant Grove Baptist Church. It was to honor James and AudreyFauver on their 60th wedding anniversary. The reception was hostedby their daughter-in-law, Sandra, and Audrey’s nieces, Nelda Smithand Jo Ann Herrington. The fellowship hall was decorated withferns, multi-colored flowers and a fisherman scene. The cake wasbeautifully decorated with fresh flowers. Out of state guestsincluded Chris and Krissy Fauver from Cedar Park, Texas; Francisand Ruby Henderson, and Mr. and Mrs. Denny Fauver of Slidell, La.Eighty-two people registered at the reception, and the couplereceived cards, phone calls and gifts.
James and Audrey Case-Fauver were born and reared in LincolnCounty. He attended school at Pleasant Grove, and she was a studentat Oak Grove and Bogue Chitto. They were married July 7, 1940, by alocal justice of the peace. They became the parents of three sons– James Albert, Jimmy Carrol and Jerry Daniel. They now have sixgrandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.
James was in service during World War II, but never had to gooverseas. He spent part of his stint in New Jersey and the rest inLouisiana. He retired from Jacobsen Lawn Mower Plant with 28 yearsof service. James’s favorite past-time is fishing. Audrey worked atStahl Urban, and retired after 28 years. She likes yard work, andthis is evident to anyone passing by their home, which is locatedon Highway 84 West.
James and Audrey are members of Pleasant Grove Baptist Church.They are both in good health, and are very thankful for that. Jameshas a pacemaker, but does not have to take any prescriptionmedicine.
Congratulations are extended to this couple, and they are wishedmany more years of happiness. A special “thank-you” to their son,Jerry, for his help with information for this article. It was apleasure to visit with the Fauvers last Sunday afternoon.
In other area news, the Grace McBride Circle met Thursday, June29, in the fellowship hall at New Prospect Baptist Church. Thoseattending were Clarice Whitehead, Jo Ann Smith, Loretta Smith,Geneva Davis, Peggy Rushing, Helen Rawls, Pat Case and Sue Smith.Glenda Tarver was in charge of refreshments. The next scheduledmeeting will be July 20.
Trace Pepper Wallace was born at King’s Daughters Medical CenterJune 30. He weighed 6 lbs., 14 oz. on arrival. Proud parents areDarron and Heather P. Wallace. Best wishes go out to thisfamily.
In last week’s column, an error was made in typing the newsabout little Aliza Beth Abrams’ birth. The baby’s mother’s name isRhonda-not Rhoda.
Kendall and Emily Smith of Monmouth, Ill., are visiting in thehome of their grandparents, Richard Carroll and Jo Ann Smith. Thechildren are having fun riding their go-carts and horse.