News from around the Grove
Published 5:00 am Sunday, July 9, 2000
Pleasant Grove United Methodist Church in Monticello had a”revival of fire”last week. The Rev. Kevin Brouillette preached avery strong message for three nights. He is the pastor of SandtownUnited Methodist Church in Philadelphia. He is originally fromLouisiana. He graduated from the University of Southern Mississippiand Vennard Bible College in University
Park, Iowa. He has preached for 13 years, and each night of therevival one could really hear the experience he had behind him.
What a revival it was because on Sunday, July 2, five peoplemade a commitment to Christ. A baptism was held for Jason andSandra Florey, and their children, Andy and Zack, all ofBrookhaven; and Kayla Neal of Monticello.
Bro. Aaron Lamb, pastor of Pleasant Grove, will be holding arevival this week, July 9-12, at Bethel United Methodist Churchwith services beginning at 7 p.m. Bro. Howard Killingsworth is thepastor at Bethel, as well as Mallalieu United Methodist Church.Bro. Howard is no stranger to Pleasant Grove. He and his familyhave been members for many years. After his retirement from theministry, he, and his wife, Tiny, came back to Pleasant
Grove as active members. But a couple of years ago, Bro. Howardwent back into the ministry full time and it was at this time thathe received his appointment to Bethel and Mallalieu.
Since Bro. Aaron will be at Bethel this Sunday, July 9, a songservice will be held at Pleasant Grove at 6 p.m. featuring theBeeson and Davis families.
Celebrating birthdays last week were Johnny Davis, Mae King,Roger Neal and Rebecca Taylor. Happy birthday goes to the each ofyou.
What is happening at Pleasant Grove this week:
* Vacation Bible School will be July 10-14, from 6-8:30 p.m.Children and youth up to age 18 are invited to come experience “TheAdventures of Jesus.” Co-directors are Robin Lofton and SheilaTaylor, both of Monticello.
* The senior citizens luncheon will be held on Tuesday, July 11,at 11:30 a.m. in the fellowship hall. Coordinating the event eachmonth is Nancy James.
* Men’s Prayer Breakfast will meet this Saturday, July 15, at 7a.m.
This is a new ministry for Pleasant Grove. The attendance hasbeen very good. At the first of their meeting, elections were held.Those elected were Paul Wilson, president, Jerry King, vicepresident, and Laverne Lambert, secretary/treasurer, all ofMonticello. Come out and join the men this Saturday for a time offellowship, devotion and prayer.
Wayne and Tina Kirkland of Monticello are welcoming a newaddition into the family, Maddux Lane. She was born on June 13 atKing’s Daughters Medical Center in Brookhaven. She is thegranddaughter of Roger and Lou Neal, and Curtis and Jwan Kirkland,all of Monticello.
Great-grandparents are Gladys Neal, Bill Hammond and BennieKirkland, all of Monticello, and Doris Blackmon of Silver Creek.Welcoming Maddux is big brother, Trey.
Sympathy is extended to the Johnny Withers family. His wife isthe former Elaine Jordan of the Enterprise Community. They have twochildren, James and Leigh. They have lived in Jackson for manyyears and just recently purchased the J.C. Tarver home on the EastLincoln Road. Please keep this family in your prayers.
I’m sure as I write these columns, mistakes will be made. Welllast week’s column was no exception. I mentioned a baptism that washeld at the Fair River. Well plans were changed due to the weathersituation and the baptism was held at another location.
Also, I didn’t mention that Nick Bridge played the drums duringthe afternoon singing at homecoming. He is 16 years old and will bea junior at Brookhaven High School this fall. He has been playingthe drums since he was a child, and boy, can he play those drums. Icould sit for hours and listen to him.
In the next few weeks, I will be calling on different peoplefrom the communities of Antioch, East Lincoln, Harmony, Mallalieuand Union. I would like to get better acquainted with each of youso together we can cover the news.
Let me go for the week. My seven-month-old puppy, Dylan, is inthe bucket of okra. He is at the age now where he loves to explore,and he loves to talk back to us when he doesn’t get his way.
To submit news, call 833-5673 and leave a message on myanswering machine.