‘City Record’ awakens memories of bad times
Published 5:00 am Monday, July 31, 2000
It is bothersome that Mayor Bill Godbold has resurrected hispersonal political vehicle the “City Record.” It was used duringhis previous administrations in the 1980s to put a personal spin oncity issues, but more specifically, to launch a personal attackagainst anyone who disagreed with him.
We hope this is not a signal of a return to the divisivenessthat marred his past administrations and hurt the city’s economicdevelopment efforts in the 80s and early 90s. That would be a shamebecause his efforts during his current administration to work withother government entities, as well as the chamber of commerce and,at times, even this newspaper, have been key to Brookhaven’s growthover the past couple of years.
Brookhaven has come too far and has too bright a future with thefine arts school to return to the bickering and name-calling hisnewsletter espouses. Those comments and innuendoes in the past didnothing but disrupt the community and put a negative pall overBrookhaven.
The mayor does not need the City Record. Our pages are alwaysopen to him to voice his thoughts and opinions — positive ornegative.
We welcome his input and would hope he will use our editorialspace to help lead our community to a higher level. For it is apositive effort that will help us all accomplish a common goal ofmaking a stronger Brookhaven.