Boil water notice issuedfor some in Lawrence Co.
Published 5:00 am Thursday, August 31, 2000
LAWRENCE COUNTY — A break in a four-inch water main Wednesdayhas resulted in a boil water notice being issued by the statedepartment of health.
The boil water alert was issued for residents on MississippiHighway 27 and Old Highway 27, north of Bahala Creek, after aconstruction crew possibly cut into a line, according to astatement released by the state’s environmental health division ofwater supply.
“It’s just a precaution,” said Romelle Fleming, complianceassistant for the division of water supply. “It doesn’t mean thewater is contaminated.”
Fleming added that the alert is a routine procedure in waterline breaks until the water has been tested for contamination,which can occur when a water distribution system loses pressure,causing contaminants to possibly siphon back into the water.
Residents in the Sontag-Wanilla area are urged to boil watervigorously for at least one minute before consumption. This measureshould be taken until further notice from the department ofhealth.
The water supply department has been testing the water and hopesto have the problem fixed as quickly as possible.
“They did start taking some samples yesterday and results shouldbe back today,” said Fleming. “We hope to have them clear by theholiday.”