Fundraising campaign underway
Published 5:00 am Thursday, September 14, 2000
The many benefits of donating to local agencies was the topic ofdiscussion during the official United Way kickoff Thursdaymorning.
Area leaders were encouraged to involve others in the annualfundraising drive because the funds raised benefit almost everyonein the area in some way.
United Way of Lincoln County President Danita Hobbs talked withleaders about how important it is for residents to pull together inorder to improve Lincoln County.
“It takes a whole community to make a difference in a child’slife or an elderly person’s life,” she said.
Funds raised during the drive are allocated to local and areaagencies that provide a variety of services. Ninety-eight cents ofevery dollar raised is used to help agencies in Lincoln County.
The agencies that receive United Way funds are the American RedCross, Boy Scouts, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Habitat forHumanity of Lincoln County, Southwest Mental Health, UnitedServices Organization, Girl Scouts, Boswell Group Home, Boys andGirls Club, 4-H, Outreach Ministries, Brookhaven Food Pantry,Lincoln County United Way Emergency Relief Agency, Widows &Orphans Center, Guardian Shelter for Battered Families, BogueChitto-Lincoln County Community Development Center, ROTAP (ReachingOut To Another Person), Brookhaven Beautiful, Sunshine Shelter andBrookhaven Recreation Department.
Hobbs mentioned how vital the agencies are to Lincoln County,pointing out how some house battered women and children, providewholesome activities for children, and allow the needy to receivefood and shelter.
“We’re blessed in our community to have valuable organizationsthat serve so many needs,” said Hobbs.
Representatives from some of the 22 agencies set up booths andexplained the purpose and services of their agencies to arealeaders.
Hobbs believes informing the public about how the donations areused is an important part of the fundraising drive.
“People want accountability for where their donations go, so Iwas glad so many of the agencies came,” she said.
Each year agencies provide requests for funds depending on theirneed and budget. A committee chooses the amount each agencyreceives.
The goal for this year has been set at $178,000, and United Wayofficials are hoping to surpass that goal.
“Several businesses and industries have already kicked off theirdrive, and we’re off to a good start,” said Hobbs.
The fundraising drive will continue until the first week ofNovember.