Homecoming ’00 lures folks home
Published 5:00 am Thursday, October 19, 2000
Local florists are working overtime producing corsages andbouquets.
Local florists are working overtime producing corsages andbouquets. Men’s clothing stores have been taking tuxedo orders forseveral weeks. Meeting rooms at area restaurants are booked solidfor special weekend gatherings.
Obviously, it must be homecoming weekend. In Lincoln County,Brookhaven, Brookhaven Academy and Loyd Star celebrate homecomingsFriday. Activities begin early and run late.
The “00” classes are having their special day in the sun.Graduates from the Classes of 2000, 1990, 1980, 1970, 1960 and 1950will produce the largest groups for the class reunions. Folks fromthe 1940 and 1930 classes might have trouble making it to thecelebration. Still, the ones who do will be proud to be there.
Nostalgia fills the air. Folks get sentimental, even teary eyedwhen they stand and sing their alma mater. The football game won’tmatter much to many of them. Seeing old friends, sharing photos ofchildren and grandchildren rate priority .
Still, football is mighty important to many folks. Looking atmemories, consider the seniors who played on the 1999, 1989 and1979 teams at BHS.
To set the record straight, the 1999 BHS team finished 4-5, arare losing record for Coach Greg Wall. in 1989, former BHS headcoach Don Coleman coached the Panthers to a 5-4 record, including aseason-ending 27-19 victory over McComb. Look back to 1979 and thePanthers were going 4-6 under Les Bumgarner, beating McComb 21-zipin the finale. That was the same year the Panthers played MossPoint, Hattiesburg, Clarksdale for homecoming, Laurel, Forest Hill,Picayune, Yazoo City and North and South Natchez. That’s also knownas a tough schedule.
At Brookhaven Academy, the Cougars finished 6-4 in 1979, beatingMadison-Ridgeland in the season finale. The Cougars posted a 2-8record in 1989 under Jay Swindle and they were 6-5 in 1999 underDoug Clanton.
At Loyd Star, the Hornets had one of their best-ever seasons in1999, going 11-1 and beating Philadelphia in the first round of theClass 2A state playoffs under Roe Burns who retired after 20 years.The Hornets were 5-5 in 1989 and 5-6 in 1979, Burns’ first year atthe helm.
For Professor Hoopla, B.S., 1970 was his first football seasonat The Daily Leader and he watched the Panthers beat SouthVicksburg for their first win of that historic season. The Pantherswere led by first-year head coach Coach Doug Sullivan.
Last weekend, homecoming games were in abundance as Hooplapredicted the winners of 20 games. He missed seven of them.
Hoopla sees these winners this weekend, starting with a heavyThursday night menu.
Co-Lin at Hinds: If the Wolves were healthy, this gamewould be closer. Hinds 28-10.
Coahoma at Southwest: Nationally-ranked Bears bury thevisitors from Clarksdale. Southwest 56-6.
Salem at Enterprise: Yellow Jackets are in contentionfor a state playoff berth but they must win the rest of theirgames. Enterprise 35-18.
North Pike JV at West Lincoln: This Thursday nightspecial should see the Bears notching a record third win in oneseason. West Lincoln 22-12.
McComb at Brookhaven: In a a battle for Division 6-4Asupremacy, the Panthers win a squeaker. Brookhaven17-14.
Wilkinson Academy at Brookhaven Academy: It’s a must-winsituation for the playoff-minded Cougars. Brookhaven Academy35-25.
St. Andrew’s at Loyd Star: Expect a high-scoringhomecoming game. Loyd Star 34-24.
Bogue Chitto at Dexter: Both teams can put points on thescoreboard. Bogue Chitto 31-24.
Wesson at Natchez Cathedral: It’s a nail-biter in theRiver City. Cathedral 19-18.
Franklin County at Port Gibson: Streaking Bulldogs aredreaming of a Division 6-3A championship. Franklin County27-18.
North Pike at Hazlehurst: Indians rebound from adisappointing loss to Franklin County. Hazlehurst32-12.
Central Hinds at Copiah Academy: Fresh from an opendate, the Colonels collect their second win of the season. CopiahAcademy 21-14.
Mississippi State at LSU: Death Valley is a tough placeto win but the Bulldogs find a way. State 18-10.
In other Magnolia State games, Jackson State will beatGrambling State 28-19, Mississippi College will clip McMurray17-14, Southern U. will tattoo Alcorn State 38-6, Delta State willedge Henderson State 21-14, Millsaps will edge DePauw 15-10 andTexas Southern will swamp Valley State 27-7. Ole Miss and SouthernMiss have open dates to promote their basketballprograms.