Heart Walk success exceeds expectations

Published 6:00 am Monday, November 6, 2000

The Lincoln County Heart Walk 2000 was a huge success Saturdaythanks to the tremendous support of local residents and businesses,said American Heart Association officials.

Although funds were still being added up, the $52,000 goal wassurpassed.

“I’m so full of love and appreciation for the people of LincolnCounty,” said Heart Walk Specialist Bella Douglas. “I thinkeveryone would agree this was the most spirited Heart Walk thatBrookhaven has ever had.”

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Around 400 walkers came out for the early morning event at theBrookhaven Exchange Club, meeting the goal set for the number ofwalkers.

“We had a great turn out,” said Heart Walk 2000 Chairman DavidFields. “The weather was nice for us, and everyone had a goodtime.”

“Reaching and surpassing the goal was wonderful because that’swhat it’s all about,” said Fields, adding that more funds wereexpected from many of the participants.

The day’s events began with warm up exercises that reallyboosted the crowd’s spirits. A ribbon cutting by this year’s HeartWalk Poster Child, Powell Butler Smith, along with his parents,Brad and Amy, and brother, Walker, followed.

“It meant a lot having Powell as a direct example of what heartresearch can do,” said Fields about the six-month-old miracle baby,who was born with a rare heart condition.

The walk was led by the Smith family and about 50 other Red Capwalkers, who were all survivors of heart disease.

After making three laps around the park, the large crowdgathered for an awards ceremony where Delphi-Packard was honoredfor having the most walkers with 51 participants. The company alsoraised the largest amount of walker dollars.

The Lincoln County Government Complex participants werepresented awards for most spirited and the biggest increase ofwalker dollars raised over last year’s event, which was their firsttime to participate in the Heart Walk.

Eldon Smith, 77, and Wesley Smith, 76, were honored for beingthe oldest participants in the Heart Walk, while State Bank andTrust won the award for best t-shirt design for the shirts theywore in memory of former employee, Casey McCaffery.

Heart Walk Committee Members were also recognized for their hardwork and dedication to making this year’s event such a success.

“We appreciate all the contributions from the Heart WalkCommittee,” said Fields. “They were really enthusiastic aboutit.”

Heart Walk officials were excited to see all the hard work turninto such a wonderful day, and hope to have the same results nextfall with Heart Walk 2001.

“We look forward to another successful walk next year,” saidFields.