Musicians ‘strut stuff’ on local stage
Published 6:00 am Monday, November 6, 2000
Every Friday night, local musicians can be found strutting theirstuff on one of two stages at the home of a Lincoln County man whohas a tremendous love for music.
“It’s called Friday Night Live and it’s all about comingtogether and having a good, clean time while doing what we love,”said Shaffier Smith, who has an outdoor and indoor stage at hishome on Zetus Road.
Smith, 64, has been involved in almost every aspect of music,from writing songs to playing instruments to singing, for fourdecades. His love for making music and meeting other musicianseventually led him to start his Friday night productions four yearsago.
“I’m just carrying on a tradition of having a good time,” hesaid. “The music is what makes me click.”
Although the main entertainment at Friday Night Live is usuallygospel or country music, Smith does not discourage any musiciansfrom coming out and sharing their talent on his stage.
“If they can play an instrument or sing, then they’re welcome tocome out and have a good time,” said Smith. “Nobody is turned downas long as they keep it clean because this is a family event.”
The largest crowds come on summer nights, said Smith, whenhundreds have gathered in lawn chairs under the stars to enjoy afew hours of music with their families.
Smith’s indoor and outdoor stages are both well-lit and fullyequipped with the latest technology to bring quality entertainmentto the crowds, who usually begin filling his lawn around 7 p.m.
“We never know who’s going to show up,” said Smith. “It’s freeand anybody who wants to come and watch or participate.”
His affiliation with other musicians has grown through theyears, expanding his circle of friends. Smith, who has been aperformer most of his life, has even had the honor of playing withcountry music stars, such as Loretta Lynn.
Smith’s involvement in music has also expanded to include hisown studio called Sunshine Recording Studio, where local musiciansgather on occasion to compile songs, some of which are played onlocal radio stations.
Smith says he really enjoys the time he spends in the studio,figuring out how to put his ideas to music.
“I’m full of ambition,” he said. “I never cease to quit doingthings with music.”
He is in the middle of compiling an album, which includes songshe has written and produced. His hours in the studio are often hisfavorite because he says that’s when everything really comestogether.
“I spend a lot of time in the studio, especially right after Iwrite a song because I’ve just got to get it all laid out,” saidSmith, who also has help from his wife, Lynette.
Smith plans on continuing to be involved in the many aspects ofproducing music as long as other musicians continue to share withhim their enjoyment of music.