Wesson officials now looking for new legal representation

Published 6:00 am Wednesday, December 6, 2000

WESSON — The Wesson Mayor and Board of Alderman are now withoutlegal representation, following the resignation of the board’sattorney this week.

Jeff Varas, who has served as the town’s attorney for almostfive years, sent a letter of resignation to town hall Tuesdayafternoon. Four of the aldermen regretfully accepted hisresignation during their monthly meeting last night.

“He’s done a good job for us,” said Ward Four Alderman HollisCowen Jr, whose comments were supported by other aldermen.

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In his letter, Varas stated a heavy work load at his law firm inHazlehurst for the resignation, which was effective Dec. 4. Thetown clerk, Linda Dykes, will look into other options of legalcouncil for the mayor and board members.

Also during last night’s meeting, board members officiallyclosed part of Gum Street. The section has not been used for anumber of years, but the town will retain rights to easements.

Board members also addressed the matter of poor lighting on WillBridges Lane, a topic of discussion at previous meetings.

Ward Three Alderman and Mayor Pro-tem Lura Greer, who presidedover the meeting due to the absence of Mayor David McGee, made arequest on behalf of Katie Furr for another light to be placedbetween the cul-de-sac and the corner of the street.

“It’s dangerous because it’s so dark at night out there that youcan’t even see,” she said.

Board members agreed, and Ward Two Alderman Jim Lightsey made amotion to have at least one light placed in the area. The motionpassed unanimously.

When the mayor returns to town, he and Greer will look over thearea to determine whether one or two lights will sufficientlybrighten Will Bridges Lane, board members decided.

The meeting was recessed until 7 p.m. Monday, Dec. 11, when adeveloper will present his plans for apartments in the Old WessonElementary School.

In other matters, the mayor and board of alderman held a meetingon Nov. 28 to discuss several topics before the mayor went to workoff-shore. The meeting was called the day before.

Due to the resignation of Wesson Police Officer Bobby Hughes,the board decided to rehire former officer Jim Dykes as assistantpolice chief. Dykes is the son of the town clerk.

The board also approved water line work at a trailer park onDavid Britt Street. Board members unanimously approved a motion forBobby Britt to install a water line and three fire hydrants withthe town’s water superintendent, Curtis Sutterfield, monitoring thework. The materials will be purchased by the town.