Lawrence avenges loss; turns over Lady Panthers

Published 6:00 am Monday, January 15, 2001

Coach Archie Ross enjoyed watching his Lawrence County girlsbeat Brookhaven’s Lady Panthers 56-49 Friday night in SinclairGymnasium. His only regret was that this game was designated as anon-Division 6-4A test.

Forwards Andrella Pierre and Stephanie Dexter each sacked 13points in sparking Lawrence County. On defense the Lady Cougars(11-8, 0-1) used their full-court pressure to make Brookhavencommit a whopping 28 turnovers.

Brookhaven roared to a 16-9, first-quarter lead before Rossplaced his girls in the full-court press. Around 10 turnovers and 8minutes later, the Lady Cougars had climbed within 23-22 athalftime as guard Brittany Peyton pumped in a last-second trey.

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The victory avenged a 46-35 division loss to Brookhaven on Dec.8, at Monticello.

“Our girls are getting better and our guards handle the ballwell,” said Ross. “We made some big baskets on offense.”

Led by Dexter’s 4 consecutive baseline jumpers, the Lady Cougarstook control early in the third quarter, leading 30-27. GuardRhonda Warner cashed in a steal with a layup and it was 32-27.

Ross explained his strategy. “We tried to overload(Brookhaven’s) 1-3-1 defense. Dexter hit some outside shots forus.”

Brookhaven coach Ronald Gill was disappointed by the defeat andhis team’s inability to handle the full-court pressure. “Turnoverskilled us again. Lawrence County was a lot more hungry than wewere.”

The loss ended Brookhaven’s winning streak at seven games. TheLady Panthers are 11-7 on the season and remain 1-0 in thedivision.

Brookhaven hosts Mendenhall Tuesday night. The BrookhavenInvitational starts Wednesday.

It was 35-35 entering the fourth quarter. Lawrence Countyrealized the free throw bonus with 5:17 left and steadily increasedits lead to 10 points. It was 48-38 with 3:09 left when Pierrescored from the lane. Marquita Cowart tacked on a free throw andPierre scored off a spin move, making it 51-42 with 1:35 remainingin the game.

Brookhaven got a game-high 15 points from senior forward NikkiBlakely, plus 10 rebounds. Sophomore center Ayana Tillman added 13points. Juliana Wallace chipped in 13 rebounds.

Seven rebounds by Tammy Feazelle led Lawrence County on thebackboards. Lawrence County plays at Crystal Springs Tuesdaynight.

Lawrence County 56, Brookhaven 49

Lawrence Co. (56) Stephanie Dexter 13, Andrella Pierrre13, Cowart 6, Warner 3, Feazelle 6, Oatis 2, Ross 2, Tyler 4,Peyton 5.

Brookhaven (49) Nikki Blakely 15, Tillman 13, Wallace 8,T. Watkins 2, S. Gilmore 5, Stanton 6.

Total fouls: Lawrence 11. Brookhaven 18. Fouledout-Stanton.

Free Throws M-A: Lawrence 13-22. Brookhaven6-10.

3-point goals: Peyton, Blakely.

Lawrence Co. 9 14 12 21 – 56

Brookhaven 16 6 13 14 -49