LEADER staff wins 19 Mississippi Press awards
Published 6:00 am Monday, January 29, 2001
The DAILY LEADER advertising and graphics departments captured19 awards, including three first place honors against all statedaily newspapers, in the 2000 Advertising Better Newspaper ContestSaturday at the Mississippi Press Association’s Mid-WinterConference in Jackson.
Advertising Manager Frances Peavey and Graphic Artist Jina Kingreceived a first place award for Best Ad Promoting RetailAdvertising. The two also captured statewide first recognition forthe Best Advertising Rate Card or Media Kit.
In the Best Color Grocery Ad category among all dailies, Peaveyreceived a first place award for a Piggly Wiggly Ad. She and Kingalso got a third place honor in that category.
Among all newspapers, daily and weekly, the DAILY LEADERreceived a third place honor for its Southwest Mississippi ShoppingBag. The award was in the Total Market Coverage category.
In other competition against all dailies, the newspaper’sproduction department received an honorable mention in the BestPrint Quality category.
The newspaper was also recognized with awards in the DailyDivision C category for newspapers with circulations under 9,000.Those honors and their recipients include:
*Best Black and White Automobile Ad — Glynna Broxson and Kingfor White-Wilson 1999 Plymouth Prowler.
*Best Small Space Ad — Broxson for a Castles Thank You ad.
*Best Section or Edition Devoted to an Editorial Topic — Stafffor Focus 2000.
*Best Regular Classified Page or Section — Margaret Vanier andBrian Furr.
*Best Black and White Institutional or Service Ad — King.
*Best Color Automobile Ad — Broxson and King.
*Best Series of Ads — Broxson.
*Best Theme Page — Vanier.
*Best Overall Newspaper Promotion — Peavey and Furr.
*Best Black and White Institutional or Service Ad — Jimmie GailCain.
*Best Black and White Political Ad — Peavey and King.
*Best Black and White Automobile Ad — Broxson.
*Best Single Display Classified Ad — Peavey and King.*