Co-Lin Wolves whip East Central in South tourney

Published 6:00 am Tuesday, February 20, 2001

SUMMIT – The Co-Lin Wolves have had the number of the EastCentral Warriors this season. With two wins over the Warriors, theWolves played a harder game than the previous two times and cameaway with a key 98-79 victory Monday night in the opening round ofthe MJCAA South Division State Tournament at Southwest CommunityCollege.

Co-Lin (19-5) advances to Wednesday’s semifinals where theWolves will play at 6 p.m. against Southwest which upset Gulf Coast72-70 last night.

In a women’s game last night, Hinds beat East Central 69-64.Hinds plays the winner of the Gulf Coast-Jones County game at 4 inWednesday’s semifinals.

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The No. 1 seeded Co-Lin women (23-0), coached by Gwyn Young,make their tourney debut at 6 p.m. Wednesday in the semifinals,against tonight’s winner between Southwest and Pearl River.

On Jan. 8, the Wolves dumped the Warriors 71-61 at Decatur andthey won 68-66 at Mullen Gymnasium in Wesson on Feb. 1.

Co-Lin men’s coach Dennis Sims said the biggest differencebetween Monday night’s 19-point win and the 2-point win two weeksago was “We played harder. We have played harder the last fourgames.”

The teams exchanged leads several times in the first half. Theofficiating was a lot tighter with a lot more fouls called thanduring regular season play.

With 31 seconds left in the first half, Co-Lin sophomore forwardBrandon Dickerson nailed a three pointer to tie the game at 36-all.East Central sophomore point guard Joe Copeland nailed to freethrows to put East Central ahead 38-36 with 11 seconds on theclock. Co-Lin set up Dickerson who nailed another trey to give theWolves a one-point, 39-38 edge at intermission.

“In the first half, we had a hard game,” said Sims. “Everythingwas a foul.”

The Wolves jumped on the Warriors at the start of the secondhalf for a quick five points and a 43-38 lead at the 17:01 mark.East Central closed it to two points before Co-Lin got hot and wenton an 21-8 run for a 65-48 lead with 12:29 remaining on the clock.The Warriors chipped away at the Wolves lead but never got anycloser than 11 points, 77-66, at the 6:41 mark.

Dickerson directed the Wolves with a game-high 27 points,including four treys, six rebounds, four steals, four assists andtwo blocked shots. The second highest scorer was Whitley with 24points, four steals and six assists.

Adding support to the Co-Lin win with 10 points apiece werestarters Rod Haynes, B.J. Black and reserve Tony Thompson. QuentinChristian netted nine points, grabbed six rebounds and blocked twoshots. Black also pulled down four rebounds and Haynes had fourassists as did Chad Smith.

“Overall, we did a heckuva job,” added Sims. “Tony Thompson andChad Smith did a heckuva job coming off the bench.”

For 12-15 East Central, freshman wingman Winfred Craig led with23 points and five rebounds. Matthew Roebuck netted 11 points.Coaching the Warriors is Jay Brown.

Co-Lin 98, East Central 79

East Central (79) Winfred Craig 23, Augusta 5, Copeland4, Chamblee 2, Brown 11, English 2, Hatch 5, Webb 5, Roebuck11.

Co-Lin (98) Brandon Dickerson 27, Whitley 24, Haynes 10,Thompson 10, Barfield 8, Black 10, Christian 9.

Halftime score; Co-Lin 39, East Central 38.

Total fouls: Co-Lin 30. East Central 27. Fouledout-Barfield, Black, Roebuck. Technicals-None.

Free throws M-A; Co-Lin 26-33. East Central27-35.

3-point goals: Dickerson 4, Whitley 3, Haynes 2, Brown2, Craig 2, Thompson, Denson.

Rebounds: East Central 28 (Denson 5, Craig 5). Co-Lin 27(Christian 6, Dickerson 6). Steals: Co-Lin 13 (Dickerson 4, Whitley4).

Assists: Co-Lin 22 (Haynes 6, C. Smith 4, Dickerson 4).Turnovers: Co-Lin 8. East Central 16.