New group looks out for elderly citizens
Published 6:00 am Friday, March 2, 2001
A group of senior citizens and law enforcement are pullingtogether to create a more secure atmosphere for the elderly inLincoln County.
The group, called Triad, is made up of three parts: the sheriff,police chief and members of the American Association of RetiredPersons (AARP).
“We are hoping that by working together we can enhance thesecurity among the elderly in our community,” said Fronie Qualls,chairman of Triad’s advisory council called SALT, Seniors AndLawmen Together.
The group, which was formed in November under a grant fromMississippi Leadership Council on Aging, meets twice a month todiscuss better ways of assisting and protecting senior citizens, asometimes vulnerable group in today’s society.
“We do surveys to find out some of the things the elderly fearand how we can help,” said Qualls.
One area that has been a concern of the elderly are the highnumber of scams targeting their group.
“It’s getting worse. We’re just kind-hearted and charitable, andwe’re ripped off more than anybody else,” said AARP representativeStanford Qualls about elderly people in Mississippi.
SALT hopes to decrease the number of victims in the area byeducating senior citizens on how to avoid scams and othercrimes.
They will hold a spring fling from 9 a.m. until noon on May 10at the Lincoln County Multi-Use Building. During the educationalevent, state officials, AARP representatives and law enforcementofficers will give presentations. The planning committee also hopesto have games, activities, door prizes and refreshments for seniorcitizens at the event.
Another way SALT has been helping the elderly is by displaying911 address numbers in front of senior citizens’ homes whenrequested.
“We’ve only put up four so far, but we’d like to help morepeople out,” said Charles Smith, one of the SALT members working onthe project.
Senior citizens who do not properly and clearly have their 911address displayed on their residence or mailbox need to contact thesheriff’s department at 833-5231 for assistance from SALT.
“We’ll be more than happy to put up some numbers for people whocall in and need it,” said Smith.
Numbers displayed properly help law enforcement and otheremergency personnel provide quicker service. SALT members hope theywill be able to save lives by assisting emergency personnel inlocating houses better.
SALT members include Fronie Qualls (chairman), Charles Smith(co-chairman), Gladys Dunaway (secretary), Lynn Boyte (treasurer),Millard Smith, Stanford Qualls, Jeanette Coleman, Leona Dow, Rev.Bobby Harris, Arlustra “Pap” Henderson, Bart Latner, Thad OwensJr., Napoleon B. Parker, Wayne Parker, Percy E. Rawls, NellineReed, Clifford Galey and Cindy Galey.