Property values take huge jump, supervisors told

Published 5:00 am Tuesday, May 8, 2001

Local property values are going up and citizens will soon findout how much, Lincoln County Tax Assessor-Collector Nancy Jordantold supervisors Monday.

“Lincoln County values have skyrocketed,” Jordan said duringyesterday’s regular board meeting.

Jordan said the overall assessed valuation of the county hadrisen from around $169 million last year to over $200 million,according to a state-mandated property reappraisal that is nearingcompletion. State officials are currently verifying the newproperty rolls to see that they are within range of the fair marketvalue.

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Over 3,800 of the county’s 21,600 parcels have seen an increaseof over 50 percent, Jordan said. Records are also being checked tosee that there were no keypunch errors when figures were put intothe computer.

In particular, downtown and commercial property values have seenthe biggest increases, Jordan said.

“We’ve got (property) sales to verify that,” she added.

For property owners whose values have risen 40 percent or more,Jordan said she will send out notices of value changes. Those areexpected to be delivered in several weeks.


Residents who question or object to the new property values maycontact the board of supervisors and request a hearing.

New property rolls will be open for public inspection in July.The board is expected to finalize the new rolls at the end of thatmonth.

Property values are used in conjunction with millage rates todetermine how much in property taxes a person pays on land,automobiles and other forms of property. With the higher propertyvalues, Jordan suggested the county’s millage rate may need to go”way down.”

“You really need to work on your millage this year,” Jordan toldsupervisors before concluding her business with the board.

In a related matter, supervisors accepted a $29,000 bid forproperty mapping services for Jordan’s office. Jordan is continuingefforts to get a service to perform reappraisal activities nextyear.


In other business Monday, a federal marshal is expected speakwith supervisors at their next meeting regarding housing of federalinmates at the Lincoln County Jail. Sheriff Lynn Boyte said thecounty is close to finalizing a contract that would house theinmates on a $28 a day reimbursement schedule.

The jail, though, appears to have hit a roadblock with a workplan to house state inmates on a $20 a day reimbursement rate.Federal inmates will be restricted to their cells, but countyofficials had hoped to use state inmates for work crews and otherduties.

“We look like we’re as far away as we’ve ever been from gettingany of them,” Boyte said, mentioning state commitments to fillprivate prisons that are currently not at capacity.


Ronnie Durr, county solid waste-litter coordinator, spoke to theboard about the county’s yellow and green Keep Lincoln CountyBeautiful signs.

“It’s time to start thinking about moving them to another site,”Durr said regarding the signs posted at various places around thecounty.

Durr said the original intention was to move the signs so morepeople would see them. He hoped to put the signs in a new locationfor the summer and then find new places again for the start of thenew school year in the fall.

Supervisors were mostly indifferent, but District 2 SupervisorBobby J. Watts saw no need to move the sign in his district. Hesaid has heard a number of compliments about the sign at theintersection of Heuck’s Retreat Road and Old Highway 51.

“I’d rather leave it there a little longer,” Watts said. “Wekeep it clipped all the time and people like it.”

Also Monday, supervisors chose to:

*Purchase a $30,000 pothole patching machine for Districts 3, 4and 5. The three districts will split the costs of the $900 a monthnotes for three years.

* Renew a beaver control program for the county. “I think it’s agood program,” said District 5 Supervisor Gary Walker.

* Take under advisement a recommendation for Tommy Sanders as anew government complex maintenance employee. Long-time maintenanceemployee Clyde Ellzey is retiring in June.

* Schedule a meeting with city officials regarding operation ofthe multi-use facility. District 4 Supervisor W. D. “Doug” Moaksaid there were some items and concerns he wanted to discuss withthe city, which also helped pay for construction of the facilityseveral years ago.