Dads of all walks of life deserve recognition today

Published 5:00 am Monday, June 18, 2001

If you see some men wearing strange looking neckties today, givethem a break. It’s Father’s Day.

Along with the hugs and kisses dads get will be some giftslovingly selected by youngsters who might not yet be up on fashion’ps and qs.’

Father’s Day is set aside to honor not only fathers, but all menwho act as a father-figure. This includes stepfathers, uncles,grandfathers and mentors. All are special, and all deserve this dayof recognition.

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The role of dad is a big one, and this poem sums it up betterthan we can:

Walk A Little Plainer, Daddy

Walk a little plainer, Daddy,

said a boy so frail,

I’m following in your footsteps

And I don’t want to fail.

Sometimes your steps aren’t very plain;

Sometimes hard to see.

So walk a little plainer, Daddy,

For you are leading me.

I know that once you walked this way,

Many years ago,

And what you did along the way,

I’d really like to know.

For sometimes when I’m tempted,

I don’t know what to do.

So walk a little plainer, Daddy,

For I must follow you.

— Author Unknown

Happy Father’s Day.