Four arrested on drug charges
Published 5:00 am Friday, August 31, 2001
The simple act of serving a search warrant resulted in fourLincoln County men being arrested on drug charges Thursday,according to authorities.
Ryan Debord, 19, whose last known address was Industrial ParkRoad, Brookhaven, was being served a Mississippi Department ofCorrections warrant for probation violation when authoritiesnoticed marijuana inside the residence on Junction Lane in Ruth,said Dustin Bairfield, a narcotics officer with the Lincoln CountySheriff’s Department.
“As we entered the door, we saw, in plain view, drugs on thecoffee table,” he added.
Debord was not only arrested on the warrant, but also chargedwith possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of a firearm by aconvicted felon and on a grand larceny warrant, Bairfield said.
He is being held in the Lincoln County Jail without bond.
Also arrested was Tracy Billiot, 26, of 3311 Mallalieu Drive,who was charged with possession of drug paraphernalia. He remainedin the Lincoln County Jail Friday on a $325 bond, according toBairfield.
Billiot’s brother, Jeremy Rayburn, 22, of 3311 Mallalieu Drive,was also arrested at the Junction Lane residence on possession of acontrolled substance and contempt of court charges. As of Fridaymorning he had not made his $825 cash bond, Bairfield stated.
The apparent owner of the residence, Charles Beard, 20, of 3783Junction Lane, Ruth, was arrested and charged with possession ofliquor, according to sheriff’s reports.
Beard also remained in the Lincoln County Jail Friday, with abond of $225.
A small amount of liquor, marijuana and prescription pills,along with weigh scales, were seized from the home. None of thesuspects were charged with possession of marijuana, because it wasunclear as to who had possession of it.