America will unite to overcome tragedy
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, September 12, 2001
How? Why? Who?
There are still more questions than answers today as Americatries to cope with the aftermath of Tuesday’s dastardly and deadlyterrorist attacks in New York City and the nation’s capital.
We are certain the answers will eventually come, and thoseresponsible will pay for their actions.
But, for today and tomorrow and many days yet to come, there isa greater task.
As the state attorney general investigates charges of gas pricegouging across Mississippi, it is evident that some people aretrying to profit financially from this tragedy. Shame on them. Ifthese charges prove correct, we hope the attorney general willprosecute the culprits to the fullest extent of the law.
We know that more than anything else now our nation needs thegoodness, kindness and generosity of its citizens — from sea toshining sea. We know they will deliver. It is the spirit of a proudnation — and the spirit of her citizens — that will lead thiscountry through this tragedy.
There is so much to do — for the survivors, for the familieswho lost loved ones, for the emergency personnel who are nowdigging through the rubble. The work began Tuesday with the manyprayers that went up across the land.
Please continue to pray for our country.
Pray for the victims and their families.
Pray for the survivors.
Pray for those trying to save lives.
Pray for those who carried out this atrocity, that they mightsomeday understand there is a power greater than their evil.
Pray for our President and other leaders as they weigh the manyhard decisions yet to be made.
Pray that we never endure anything like this again.