Lady Panthers register7-3 win over North Pike

Published 5:00 am Wednesday, October 10, 2001

The host Brookhaven Lady Panthers handed the North Pike LadyJaguars a 7-3 defeat Tuesday night in slowpitch softball action atthe Sports Complex. Mandy Vinson (15-11, 3-0) was the winningpitcher. Kayla Price (16-2) was the losing hurler.

Leading the Lady Panthers with a double and a single was GinnyDunaway. Jaronda Moore and Shamika Gilmore hit two singles apiece.Hitting safely were Devine Porter, Mandy Vinson, Cortney Fielderand Ashley Sykes.

North Pike got three singles from Price. Danielle Rawls and ErinBoyd collected two singles apiece. Hitting safely were HeatherAlexander, Amy Dickerson, Brittney Alexander, Mattie Alexander andLeonna Ballard.

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In the junior varsity game, North Pike nipped Brookhaven9-7.

Kensy Hoff and Kirstein Johnson led Brookhaven with two singlesapiece. Kayla Prince tripled. Moore hit a double. Singling wereSykes, Brittany Smith, Allyson Wallace, Taylor Crane and LauraWaldrop.

For the Lady Jags, Jessica Brister tripled and doubled. JenniferConey had two singles. Casey Dickerson, Amanda Dixon, Mandy Smith,Whitney Sandifer, Hayley Boyd and Erin Boyd singled.

Brookhaven travels to Franklin County Thursday. The JV begins at5:30 p.m. followed by the varsity at 6:30. The Lady Panthers,coached by Lisa Covington, will host the opening round of the southstate 4A playoffs beginning Tuesday, Oct. 16.

North Pike visits West Lincoln Thursday. The JV contest startsat 5 followed by the varsity at 6.