New property values letters in mail following hearings
Published 5:00 am Monday, October 15, 2001
Lincoln County citizens who objected to their new propertyvalues following a state-mandated reappraisal are now beingnotified by letter of the supervisors’ decisions on new valuetotals.
The supervisors heard from or received letters of objection fromapproximately 250 property owners regarding about 850 differentparcels of land. New property values assigned during thereappraisal are being used in conjunction with millage rates todetermine how much in property taxes citizens will pay. Propertytax notices are expected to go out in December.
If you raised an objection and have not yet heard from thecounty, we suggest you take the advice of County AdministratorTillmon Bishop and call Tax Assessor-Collector Nancy Jordan’s orhis office. December should be a time for good, happysurprises.