Tots need toys for Christmas
Published 6:00 am Monday, December 3, 2001
Over 250 Lincoln County children need the help of localresidents in order to have a joyous Christmas filled with nicegifts.
A variety of clothing items and toys are now being accepted atBrookhaven Toys for Tots drop box locations around town, includingarea banks, merchants and King’s Daughters Medical Center.
“This is an important program because so often people don’t havethe funds to buy for their children . . . and we’re going to makesure everybody gets something for Christmas,” said Moses Bell, whois co-chair of Toys for Tots along with Martha Morgan.
The final applications were accepted and approved by a committeeseveral weeks ago. The final day to donate items will be Dec. 19,and gifts will be distributed Dec. 21 from 8 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. atthe Old Super D.
Committee members looked for families who are truly needy andwill be grateful for the help from Toys for Tots, Bellcommented.
“It’s important to help those who can’t help themselves andthat’s our children,” he added.
Bell and Morgan hope residents will display the same givingspirit they have in previous years.
“It’s really nice to see how everybody in the community comestogether every year to make this happen,” said Bell, who has beeninvolved with Brookhaven Toys for Tots since it wasestablished.
He is thankful for the opportunity to see joy brought to needychildren in the community each Christmas.
“This is something I personally look forward to every year,” hesaid. “My heart goes out to every person in need.”
Brookhaven Toys for Tots has served over 3,000 children since alocal manufacturing company generously spread the Christmas spirit14 years ago.
“It was created in 1986 when Stahl-Urban, now known as AuburnSportswear, donated some 300 coats during the Christmas season,”Bell remembered.
While many businesses continue the spirit by donating items tothe program, funds are also needed to keep the effort going strong,said Bell.
Anyone wishing to make donations may contact Moses Bell at833-7417.