Help us say ‘thanks’ to Unsung Heroes
Published 6:00 am Monday, February 11, 2002
“This community is blessed with some great folks.”
That’s what I thought to myself yesterday as I looked back overa list of those who’ve been named Unsung Heroes in our annual Focuseditions for the past 10 years.
There are some wonderful people working quietly behind thescenes here, doing good deeds for their neighbors and good thingsfor their neighborhoods.
And, I’ve been blessed, too, as I’ve gotten to know some ofthese Unsung Heroes over the years.
I shake my head in wonder as I see Simone Greenlee — rain orshine — walking to her volunteer rounds at the nursing homes.
Josie Hightower has been a solid rock for Habitat for Humanityof Lincoln County. She helps out with fund-raising, serves on theFamily Selection committee, and has been the only secretary thisministry’s ever had. She also works very hard for other groups inthe community, like the Brookhaven Humanitarian Auxiliary.
Clasteen Tucker, Mike Smith, Aline Porter and Peck Vaughn areother honorees I’ve come to know and love through their work withHabitat.
Rita Rich does more than just about anybody else I know to helppromote Brookhaven and Lincoln County. She’s probably spentthousands of hours over the years working on the Christmas parade,the tour of homes and the Miss Hospitality pageant. And thenthere’s her “day” job as principal of Lipsey School.
My job has given me the chance to meet and work with some of ourpast Unsung Heroes, like Moses Bell, Clifford and Cindy Galey,Jerry Durr, Homer Richardson, Danita Hobbs, Jimminette Phillips,Dan Brown Jr., Becky Corkern and Suzanne Britt.
And, I’m certainly proud to list Bonnie Cole, Dott Cannon,Edna Sones and Charles and Virginia Ratliff among myfriends.
The list of past Unsung Heroes is varied. Some are young.Some are retired. Some are black. Some are white. Some work outsidethe home. Some don’t. The common thread is that they all loveBrookhaven and Lincoln County and want to make it a betterplace.
Don’t you know an Unsung Hero?
Do you know someone who makes unselfish contributions toothers or to the community without regard for publicity or personalgain?
Do you know someone who’s willing to look past the racial,or the age, or the social, or the political or the religiousboundaries that others will sometimes put up in thecommunity?
Do you know someone who puts others first?
That’s an Unsung Hero, and I’ll be you know at leastone.
We are now in the process of selecting Unsung Heroes forthis year’s Focus edition. You will find a ballot on page 14 oftoday’s newspaper. I encourage you to nominate someone.
Thanks for your help, and thanks to all the Unsung Heroesfor their service to the community.
Write to Nanette Laster at P.O. Box 551, Brookhaven, Miss.39602, or send e-mail to