Variance granted for Co-Lin work
Published 6:00 am Tuesday, February 19, 2002
WESSON — Work on a new dormitory at Copiah-Lincoln CommunityCollege can continue despite being in violation of the town’szoning ordinances.
“The foundation of the dormitory came within the 30-feetright-of-way. . . and the second thing is, according to the R-2zoning, the biggest thing they could build on Co-Lin’s campus is aduplex,” Mayor Bill Tigner said during a zoning hearing in townhall Monday.
Since no objections were heard about the new two-storydormitory, board members approved the variance for the twoviolations.
Board members indicated giving the variance was the best routeto take to prevent taxpayer expense.
“Once it (the violation) was identified, there was a lot ofplumbing already run, and basically all we would do now (by notallowing the work) is cost the taxpayers a lot of money,” saidTigner.
Ward Three Alderman Lura Greer agreed with Tigner, and made themotion to allow the variance. Ward One Alderman Robert Derrick andAlderman-at-large David Douglas, also gave their approval and themotion passed.
Ward Two Alderman John Welter Jr. and Ward Four Alderman HollisCowen Jr. were not present for the meeting.
Tigner pointed out that the town board needs to look at givingCo-Lin a new zoning that would better fit its needs.
Zoning chairman Bob Meteer explained that most colleges within acity or town are given an S-1 zoning, which allows them to be moreindependent from the town.
“You would grant them the right to pursue whatever project theyneed for educational purposes,” Meteer told board members.
Derrick was not sure that would be in the best interest of thetown and its residents, some of which live in close proximity tothe campus.
“I’m glad to see them expand and grow, but I still think thetown needs to have a voice. They shouldn’t be able to buildwhatever they want right next to residences,” he said.
Meteer understood the concern and asked board members for inputon the specifics of the zoning ordinances.
A public hearing, where residents can voice their opinions, wasscheduled for the next monthly meeting, which will be held at 7p.m., April 2 in town hall.
In further discussion about the college’s new addition, KennethFurr, who lives across the street from the building site, said theonly thing he was concerned about was if the students would beplaying loud music in and around the dormitory.
Derrick agreed saying, “I think we need an ordinance in town forloud music. I think it’s necessary.”
He planned to address the situation and ask for a loud musicordinance at the next regularly scheduled board meeting. Otherproposals for the next meeting include having a junk vehicleordinance, tightening an ordinance for mobile homes, adding an opencontainer law and reviewing the burn ordinance.