Authorities search for children, father missing since weekend

Published 6:00 am Tuesday, February 26, 2002

The disappearance of four children and their father over theweekend has authorities scrambling for clues about theirwhereabouts.

On Friday, Earl “Mutt” Wallace Jr., 38, picked up his fourchildren — Garrett, 12; Hunter, 11; Abbey, 7; and Kitty Claire, 3– for a weekend visit, but did not return them to his ex-wife,Kristin, on Sunday.

“He had planned to take them to a friend’s house in northMississippi. They (the children) had talked about it all week,”said a distraught Kristin Wallace.

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She did not become worried about their safety until late Sundaynight when she called that friend and asked if he had seenthem.

“He told me he didn’t know anything about them planning to comeup there,” she said, adding that she became extremely worried atthat point.

Lincoln County Sheriff Lynn Boyte said his department has foundfew clues in trying to locate Mutt Wallace and the children.

“He was seen in Brookhaven Friday in Wal-Mart, and he was seenin Jackson at Wal-Mart Saturday,” said Boyte, adding that thechildren were seen with him Saturday.

They were seen in a silver 1984 Lincoln, with tag number JHJ053. The vehicle was loaned to him by a friend, according toBoyte.

Kristin Wallace has visited the sheriff’s department a number oftimes and has called all of the couple’s friends for clues duringthe last two days in search of her loved ones.

“I’m just pleading that they’re all OK,” she said.

When she realized they had not reached their destination innorth Mississippi, Kristin Wallace looked at the possibility ofthem having an accident and not yet being discovered. She contactedthe Mississippi Highway Patrol and informed them of thesituation.

“They checked the interstates and highways between here andthere and didn’t find anything,” she said as she looked down at astack of pictures of her children.

Boyte said information on the missing Wallaces has been placedin a national crime information computer for all law enforcementofficers in the United States.

Agents with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) werescheduled to meet today with Kristin Wallace and Boyte to offertheir assistance.

“We’re going to combine our efforts and see if we can findthem,” said Boyte.

Anyone with information about Mutt Wallace and his childrenshould contact the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Department at 833-5231or the Mississippi Highway Patrol at 833-7811.

“If anybody has seen or heard from them since Friday, or if theyremember something he said or did that might help us, I hope theywill call us,” Kristin Wallace said.