MHP substation work on projected target
Published 5:00 am Monday, April 15, 2002
Work on a new Mississippi Highway Patrol substation has passedthe half way point and construction officials said the project ison target for its scheduled completion later this year.
“We’re pretty close to schedule,” said Tommy Stewart, projectsuperintendent for Paul Jackson and Son, last week as contractorsand subcontractors worked in the building on Highway 84.
Construction on the approximately 14,000 square foot buildingbegan Sept. 21, 2001. The targeted completion for the $1.34 millionproject is Sept. 20, 2002.
“We believe we’ll be a little sooner than that, but that’s thestate’s deadline,” Stewart said.
Lt. Charles Brill, executive officer for Troop M, has beenkeeping track of progress through monthly reports. He said theproject is going “just fine.”
“We can’t wait to get into it,” Brill said. “We’re definitelylooking forward to it.”
Stewart said the project has been relatively problem-free andcrews have begun working on building’s interior. Last week,concrete for the station’s parking area was poured.
“The only problem we’ve had is the amount of rain,” Stewartsaid. “The weather’s always a concern when you’re talking aboutpouring concrete.”
Stewart reported a few minor roof problems due to high windduring some recent storms. He said those have been fixed and crewsare looking forward to the spring and summer months.
‘”We should get a lot done,” Stewart said.
The new substation will replace the current one on Highway 51.MHP officials said the current building, which was constructed inthe 1950s, has outlived its usefulness.
Brill said the major benefit of the new facility will be theadditional space.
“Plus the location is going to be good,” Brill said.
The site is on Highway 84 and has easy access to Interstate55.
“We’re ready to move, Brill said. “We’ve got to have morespace.”
Stewart expressed similar comments about the new facility’sattributes.
“The building’s probably three times larger than what they havenow,” Stewart said. “They’re going to have a lot of room.”
The building features a larger waiting room for driver’s licenseapplicants and others needing MHP services, larger offices for MHPstaff, sizable evidence storage areas and a small barracks forstaff member overnight stays if needed.
“It’s going to be a nice, big facility for them to work out of,”Stewart said.