Hickman decision expected Thursday
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, May 29, 2002
Brookhaven School Board members have postponed until Thursday adecision on the fate of Brookhaven High School’s Athletic Directorand head football coach, whose contract was not renewed for nextyear.
At the opening of their regularly-scheduled meeting Tuesday,where the board was expected to make a decision on the contestednon-renewal of Andrew Hickman’s contract, board members startedwith the approval of the minutes and agenda before going intoexecutive session.
“I’m going to recommend they recess the meeting until Thursdayso everyone can be here,” said Board Attorney Bob Allen, whilereferring to the absence of board member Carl Aycock.
Allen said the board will address the Hickman situation duringThursday’s meeting, scheduled for 6 p.m., along with several othervacant positions needing to be filled.
Gwendolyn Sartin, vice chairman of the board, made the motion togo into executive session to discuss personnel, and the motion wasseconded by Dr. Prentiss L. Smith.
The two other board members present, Amy Valentine and Dan BrownJr., voted in favor of the executive session and the regularmeeting was closed by 6:04 p.m.
Last week, the board was given a synopsis of the Hickman dueprocess hearing for their review. After having the chance to lookover the information discussed during the three-day hearing, boardmembers can make a decision Thursday to renew or non-renewHickman’s contract for next year.
In their April meeting, the board opted not to renew hiscontract. After some opposition to the decision, Hickman requestedthe hearing in order to bring in the hearing officer as a thirdparty.