Two charged with murder
Published 5:00 am Thursday, June 20, 2002
Two Lincoln County men are facing capital murder and othercharges stemming from the Tuesday morning discovery of body insidea burned car on South Washington Street, Lincoln County SheriffLynn Boyte said today.
Jerrard T. Cook, 18, of 2123 Madison Road, and Cearic A. Barnes,18, of 830 Beauregard St., were arrested Wednesday night during thedepartment’s investigation of the burned 1991 Toyota that belongedto Marvin Durr.
“It started breaking yesterday afternoon, and we worked on itall night,” Boyte said about incidents that led to the twoarrests.
Cook and Barnes were originally charged with murder, carjacking, arson and conspiracy. Boyte said later Thursday that thecharges had been upgraded to capital murder.
Both remained in jail this morning and there will be no bond,Boyte said. A preliminary hearing in justice court for the suspectswill be held as soon as possible.
Cook, believed to be the shooter in the incident, was alsocharged with burglary of a dwelling related to a May 15 incident athis uncle’s home in which a .380 pistol was taken. Boyte said theinvestigation revealed that the victim in the car had been shotonce in the head with a .380 pistol.
Boyte said Cook and Barnes had given parallel stories duringseparate questioning following their arrests and had identifiedMarvin Durr as having picked them up Monday night. Barnes is adistant cousin of Durr’s, the sheriff said.
Boyte did not disclose further details of the case. He addedthat Durr’s parents, the Rev. and Mrs. Jerry Durr, were coming inlater Thursday morning to discuss the case.
Authorities plan to continue their efforts to use DNA topositively identify the victim as Marvin Durr, Boyte said. Autopsyresults were expected later Thursday or early Friday, said LincolnCounty Coroner Clay McMorris.
The next session of the Lincoln County Grand Jury is scheduledfor Aug. 27 and Boyte expected the case to be presented at thattime.
“We’ll certainly have this ready to go by then,” Boyte said.
Marvin Durr’s car was found about a quarter mile outside thecity limits on South Washington Street near the old city dump. Theinvestigation began after deputies found a badly-burned body insidethe vehicle.
Marvin Durr was a 2002 graduate of Brookhaven High School and acart pusher at the Wal-Mart Supercenter. The Rev. Jerry Durr saidhe did not know his son had not come home from work Monday nightuntil he received a call from the sheriff’s department Tuesdaymorning.
Boyte expressed appreciation to the State Fire Marshal’s Office,the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Mississippi HighwayPatrol, the Mississippi Crime Lab, the state’s Crash ReconstructionTeam, the Brookhaven Police and Fire Departments, Lincoln CountyCivil Defense and the coroner’s office.
“We just had a lost of help,” Boyte said.