Six sign up for Lawrence tax collector
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, August 13, 2002
MONTICELLO — Six people have already qualified for the taxassessor/collector race in November, but a race for an open schoolboard member post appears to be dragging.
Six people have qualified to run for her post since TaxAssessor/Collector Annette Applewhite announced her resignation inJune for personal reasons. She had held the post for more than twodecades.
Jeff Peterson was appointed to the position July 1 by the boardof supervisors. He qualified later in July.
Other qualifiers include Kenneth R. Allen of Jayess, HeatherSistrunk Barton of Monticello, Greg T. Jones of New Hebron, DonnaPippin Sandifer of Monticello and Sherry Hyde-Thames ofMonticello.
Circuit Clerk Cindy Stokes said four more petitions were stillout and may be returned.
Interested candidates have until 5 p.m. Sept. 6 to qualify,Stokes said.
To qualify, candidates need only be a resident and registeredvoter of the county, Stokes said, and turn in a petition with thesignatures of 50 county registered voters.
While candidates are turning out en masse for the tax assessorrace, the election for District 5 school board member does notappear to be drawing candidates.
Mitchell Barnes, who held the post for at least two terms, willnot run again, according to his son, Al Barnes.
Only one petition has been picked up for that race, Stokes said.It has not been returned.
The qualifying requirements and deadline for the school boardrace is the same as for tax assessor.
Congressional and judicial offices will also be decided on theNov. 5 ballot. A run-off election, if necessary, will be held Nov.19.