Big day Tuesday for county schools
Published 5:00 am Monday, September 16, 2002
If you live in the Lincoln County School District, Tuesday,Sept. 17, is election day. And, it is a very importantelection.
On that day, the fate of a $3.8 million bond issue willdetermine whether or not the district can proceed with plans toimprove each of its four schools.
Here’s a summary of the planned work:
* Bogue Chitto: Destruction of the old schoolbuilding will continue, and it will be replaced with a cafeteriaand two classrooms.
* Enterprise: A new building consisting ofeight classrooms and an office area will be built.
* Loyd Star: A new L-shaped building with 14classrooms will be built near the new science building; some olderbuildings will be demolished.
* West Lincoln: A new building with 15classrooms and an office area will be constructed.
County Superintendent of Education Perry Miller has said thatthe bond issue will likely meet the district’s growth needs for thenext 5 to 10 years.
A 4 to 5 mil tax increase would be needed to pay for the bond,but officials believe the average person’s annual tax increasewould not be much. A person who owned a $50,000 home and a $10,000car could expect a tax increase of roughly $32 a year at four milsand $40 a year at five mils.
To pass, 60 percent plus one of the voters in the schooldistrict must approve the bond issue.
“I can elaborate all day on why we should pass it,” Miller toldthis newspaper last week. The Lincoln County schools must continueto move forward or risk falling behind state and national schooldistricts, he said.
“Education is the future,” Miller said. “A sound investmenttoday will ensure a successful tomorrow for the youth of ourcounty.”
He is absolutely right.
We encourage voters in the school district to go vote Tuesdayand to support this project.