United Way funds support worthy projects
Published 5:00 am Friday, September 20, 2002
The United Way of Lincoln County officially kicked off the2002-2003 fund-raising campaign Thursday morning with a breakfastto showcase the many agencies it supports.
This year’s fund-raising goal is $202,000, which will bedistributed among the agencies.
The worthy groups supported by the United Way of Lincoln County,and the funds they receive, are:
* Boy Scouts: in Lincoln County there are 25 Scout units withover 800 youngsters and leaders participating — $19,000.
* City of Brookhaven Recreation Department, which offers manyprograms year-round to people of all ages — $3,000.
* Fellowship of Christian Athletes, which offers fellowship,personal Christian commitment and growth, service opportunities andchurch involvement — $5,000.
* Southwest Mississippi Mental Health, including the LincolnCounty Lifeskills, Mental Health Auxiliary, Children’s Services andNewhaven Recovery Center — $18,500.
* Girl Scouts: Over 500 young women are involved in GirlScouting here — $19,000.
* American Red Cross, among this agency’s many works aredisaster relief and helping the elderly pay their energy bills –$15,000.
* Boswell Group Home, which houses women between the ages of 21and 51 who have some type of emotional and development disability– $8,000.
* Boys and Girls Club: offering youngsters between the ages of 6and 16 a sense of competence, usefulness, belonging and influence.This agency gets $20,000.
* Lincoln County 4-H: over 1,000 youth take part in thelearn-by-doing activities of the 35 clubs — $5,000.
* Outreach Ministries, which among its many efforts providesclothing, food and financial assistance for the needy, emergencyhelp for displaced workers and disaster victims — $30,000.
* Brookhaven Food Pantry, a volunteer agency that provides freefood to those in need — $6,000.
* Lincoln County United Way Relief Agency, expected to serveover 200 families families that need assistance due to emergency ordisaster — $5,000.
* Widows & Orphans Center, an agency that provides shelter,food and clothing for the underprivileged — $5,000.
* Guardian Shelter for Battered Families, which providesshelter, food, clothing, counseling and other needs to victims ofdomestic violence — $2,000.
* Bogue Chitto-Lincoln County Community Development, which helpsstudents by tutoring and providing after-school activities –$1,800.
* ROTAP (Reaching Out To Another Person), an agency that worksto abolish poverty, to steer teens away from crime, teen pregnancyand abuse — $5,000.
* Brookhaven Beautiful, which works to improve the appearance ofthe community in key areas — $2,500.
* Sunshine Shelter: although this agency is located in Natchez,it provides a safe environment for abused and neglected childrenfrom Lincoln County — $3,000.
* Habitat For Humanity of Lincoln County: an affiliate of theinternational agency, this ecumenical Christian housing ministryuses volunteer labor and donated goods to build simple houses,which are sold through no-interest loans, in partnership with thosein need — $5,000.
* Pee Wee Football: An after school program for fifth and sixthgraders at Lipsey School, $1,500.
* Big Brothers/Big Sisters: This program makes a positivedifference in the lives of youth through mentoring — $4,000.
* Junior Achievement: Helps to inspire youth to learn theeconomics of life through free enterprise — $3,000.
* Children’s Advocacy: Provides a safe place for child victimsand their families to receive services — $4,000.
The fund-raising campaign will continue through early November.If you would like more information, or would like to make adonation, contact the Brookhaven-Lincoln County Chamber ofCommerce.
Write to Nanette Laster at P.O. Box 551, Brookhaven, Miss.39602, or e-mail to nlaster@telepak.net. She’d love to hear fromyou.