Enterprise beats BC, gains state playoff berth

Published 6:00 am Monday, November 11, 2002

BOGUE CHITTO – They turned out the lights at Troy Smith Fieldbut the Enterprise Yellow Jackets and their fans continuedcelebrating in almost complete darkness. They had just ended ninefrustrating years of losses to Bogue Chitto, beating the Bobcats45-20.

The victory also landed the Jackets (7-4, 6-3) in the stateplayoffs, giving them fourth place in the Region 4-1A race. CoachRicky Deere’s team will travel to Union, the Region 3-1A champion,Friday night. Union upset Puckett 18-13 to win the regiontitle.

Deere said he was happy to beat Bogue Chitto for the first timein his five years at Enterprise. He had coached Bogue Chitto from1984-87, winning 21 games in that span.

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“Bogue Chitto played us hard,” said Deere. “We moved the ballwell on offense. I’m happy for our seniors.”

Enterprise senior linebacker Matt Runnels agreed. “I’m happy forme and my senior friends that we can leave here with avictory.”

Bogue Chitto (4-7, 4-5) produced a fierce battle but wasderailed by turnovers in the second half. The Bobcats had pulledwithin 23-20 of catching Enterprise early in the third quarter. A23-yard run by speedy tailback Rico Lewis around left end and a PATkick by Todd Davis, ignited a BC celebration. Lewis had set up theTD by intercepting Enterprise quarterback Justin Kyzar andreturning the theft to the Jackets’ 22-yard line.

Enterprise responded with a march to the Bogue Chitto 17-yardline before BC defensive tackle Anthony Stevenson tackled runningback Gerard Vaughn for a 1-yard loss on fourth down.

On the next series, Enterprise got a big break when JamaalVaughn intercepted Davis at the 27 and returned it to the BC 12.Four plays later, aided by a pass interference penalty against BC,Kyzar scored on a sneak. Scott Sasser kicked the extra point andEnterprise led 30-20 with 3:08 left in the quarter.

Kyzar had separated his left shoulder just before halftime whenhe was hit hard on a passing play. He returned for the second half.Fifty yards down the field, senior tackle Bobby Lambert wassprawled on the ground, felled by a sprained ankle. He alsoreturned for the second half.

“My left shoulder popped out of place,” explained Kyzar, aright-hander. “Coach said I had to play. We didn’t give up.”

Early in the fourth quarter, Gerard Vaughn limped off the field.Two minutes later, he returned and scored on a 4-yard run overright tackle. Sasser’s PAT put the Jackets up 37-20.

Another BC turnover presented the Jackets with their final TD.Davis was sacked and fumbled on a third down passing play. LinemenBilly Reeves scooped up the football and rumbled 12 yards topaydirt. Kyzar passed to Reeves on the 2-point conversion and theJackets led 45-20 with 3:07 left in the game.

“Turnovers killed us,” said Bogue Chitto head coach GarethSartin. “That interception and that pass interference call weretough. It was anybody’s ballgame until that interception.

“I’m proud of our kids,” added Sartin. “We played hard. Givecredit to Enterprise. They played a good, hard, physical game.”

Enterprise took a 2-0 lead in the first quarter. Reeves tackledLewis for a 2-yard loss and a safety.

Chase Raiford of Enterprise took the ensuing free kick at BogueChitto’s 42-yard line. Freshman Terrell May picked up 21 yards onfirst down. Gerard Vaughn carried for 21 more and a TD around rightend. Kyzar passed to Will Sicard on the 2-point conversion and itwas 10-0 with 6:50 left in the first quarter.

The Bobcats drove 86 yards in 9 plays, as Lewis broke loose fora 51-yard gainer during the drive. Davis scored on a sneak, kickedthe PAT and it was 10-7. Davis, a starting linebacker, was subbingfor quarterback Michael Blackwell who has been sidelined by a backinjury for three games.

Enterprise quickly replied. May ripped off 33 yards on seconddown. Three plays later May scored on a 6-yard sweep of left end.Sasser’s PAT made it 17-7.

May, the game’s leading rusher, accounted for 14 carries and 130yards. Vaughn rushed for 103 yards.

With 4:44 left in the first half, Kyzar hooked up with DarrenBrady on a 24-yard scoring strike, giving the Jackets a 23-7advantage.

Bogue Chitto scored its second TD with 16 seconds left in thefirst half. Lewis, making his second of 3 interceptions, gave BCpossession at its 49 with:34 left to play. Six plays later, tightend Barrett Wallace made a leaping catch of a Davis pass at thegoal line, reducing the deficit to 23-13.

Enterprise senior tackle Dale Holmes said he would alwaysremember the game. “It feels good to win for the first time in oursenior career. We caught some breaks that we needed.”

On defense, the Jackets were led by outsidelinebacker Josh Pruden with 19 tackles and a sack. Jamaal Vaughnhas 12 tackles and an interception. Derrick Clark had 11tackles.