Melton MBN appointment good move in war on drugs
Published 6:00 am Monday, December 16, 2002
The appointment of Frank Melton as director of the MississippiBureau of Narcotics was a important and good move.
Melton is known for his unabashed efforts to slow down the useof drugs in Jackson. That same effort to do so for the entire stateof Mississippi can only be positive.
Melton will have his hands full just working through thebureaucracy of a state agency, and we are sure sparks will fly whenhis shoot from the hip approach conflicts with the status quo.
Some have criticized his appointment because of his lack of lawenforcement background. In our view, that may be just what isneeded: an outsider who thinks outside the box, who will not takeno for an answer, who has the courage and desire to make adifference.
Life will definitely be interesting, but something has to bedone to control drug abuse in the state. Frank Melton may be justthe breath of fresh air that can help do just that.