Manslaughter indictment in boy’s death
Published 6:00 am Wednesday, January 29, 2003
The 19-year-old cousin of a Bogue Chitto boy killed in aDecember hunting accident has been indicted on a manslaughtercharge, authorities said.
Jonathan Blake Williams, of 1003 Bogue Chitto Road, was arrestedTuesday and charged with manslaughter by culpable negligence in theDec. 22 death of Dylan Wayne Williams of 2644 Rolling Meadows Lane.Jonathan Williams was released on a $5,000 bond later Tuesday, saidLance Falvey, Lincoln County Sheriff’s Department investigator.
Dylan Wayne Williams, 8, was shot in the chest and upper torsoarea with a load of buckshot from 10-gauge shotgun while riding hisbicycle behind his home around 3:30 p.m. three days beforeChristmas. The older Williams had been hunting on family land andapparently spooked a deer before the shooting, authorities said atthe time.
Falvey said the indictment by the grand jury, which visited thescene of the shooting during last week’s term, indicated that theydid not think the shooting was on purpose, but that it wasnegligent.
“It’s wasn’t an intentional shooting, but it may have been areckless and negligent act,” Falvey said.
An indictment is not a statement on the guilt or innocence ofthe person indicted. It represents a belief by the grand jury thatthere is probable cause to pursue a case further.
Arraignments following last week’s term are scheduled forMonday, Feb. 3, circuit court officials said.
Falvey said the December incident produced a tragic andunfortunate outcome. When hunting, Falvey said people need to besure of their target before shooting.
“They need to use common sense and a good dose of care beforefiring their weapon,” Falvey said.