Man arrested after high speed chase
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, June 4, 2003
An Ohio man was in custody at the Lincoln County Jail Tuesdayafter fleeing from sheriff’s department deputies in a high speedpursuit that ended when he wrecked in Amite County, authoritiessaid.
Nathan Moeller, 27, of 2911 County Rd., Sidney, Ohio, is beingheld on local charges of aggravated assault, reckless driving,careless driving, failure to yield to blue lights and driving whilelicense suspended. He is also being held for the state of Ohio on acharge of possession of a stolen vehicle.
According to Sheriff Lynn Boyte, Moeller got the interest of lawenforcement agencies here when he drove off from a Brookhavenconvenience store without paying for gas.
Later investigation found he left a checkbook that was not hisat the business, Boyte said. The store clerk gave a gooddescription of the 1994 green Plymouth van Moeller was driving,Boyte said.
“Our units spotted this vehicle on I-55 South and attempted topull him over,” the sheriff said.
Moeller increased speed and a chase down I-55 South began around1:30 a.m., Boyte said. A second unit joined the chase and the chaseexceeded speeds of 100 mph.
“This vehicle attempted to strike the officers’ vehicles severaltimes,” Boyte said.
The chase left the interstate when Moeller led the deputies weston Highway 24. The chase slowed slightly at this point, the sheriffsaid, with speeds around 65 to 85 mph.
At the Liberty city limits, Amite County Sheriff’s Departmentdeputies attempted a road block, but Moeller went through it,receiving a flat tire in the process.
When he hit the western edge of the Liberty city limits, Boytesaid, he lost control while crossing a bridge and slid into a ditchon the western side of the road.
Moeller was taken into custody at about 2:16 a.m. withoutfurther resistance, the sheriff said.
The Plymouth van he was driving was reported as stolen in Ohio,Boyte said, and that state requested Moeller be held for theirinvestigation.